Christmas, no doubt – a very special celebration! On this day, has more than 2,000 years ago, the baby Jesus was born. Celebration of Christmas around the world celebrate a lot of people. But today, for you and pressing question: “What is this baby is unique and special in him?”
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
- 0 comments • Tagged as: Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, родился, Рождество, с Рождеством, с Рождеством Христовым, Христос
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Church of the God`s Glory – 18 years – promo a roller.
(Русский) Пост и молитва будет проходить 11 сентября. О времени и месте проведения поста будет объявлено дополнительно на служениях церкви.
- 1 comment • Tagged as: молитва, пост, sermon, Царство Божье, церковь
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Sunday morning June 13 will be preaching Sergey Dzyiba, the youth pastor of the Church of the Nazarene.
We invite all church members to join the monthly church prayer and fasting.
From 30 April to 2 May in Kiev will be “International Prayer for Awakening 2010»
- 0 comments • Tagged as: revival, Благая Весть, God, богослужение, Борис Грисенко, Владимир Мунтян, Возрождение, Давид Чеботарев, Дворец Спорта, директор, епископ, Киев, лидер, молитва, общинаСергей Шидловский, пастор, пост, пробуждение, раввин, Святое Святых, София Жукотанская, спасение, Ukraine, Филипп Савочка, христианин
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From December 2007 Rivne cable networks have a new local broadcasting TV channel “Sphere-TV”.
Following the commandment of Christ, the gospel to people all over the world, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Christian Center “Revival” with the support of evangelical churches in Ukraine are preparing large-scale evangelistic meetings with Franklin Graham in Ukraine. Meeting with Franklin Graham will be 6, 7 and 8 July 2007 in Kiev at the (…)